St. Joseph Clinic Staff
St. Joseph Clinic has a dedicated staff of professionals that run all aspects of the clinic. Medical Missionaries organization in conjunction with our Fellows, Kyra and Logan, support the Clinic in providing care for thousands of patients.
Clinic Manager
Responsible for overseeing St. Joseph Clinic operations and maintenance of the facilities. He also works closely with the Doctors and Pharmacist to ensure that the Pharmacy is stocked with medications and supplies.

Junior Charles Saint-Fleur
St. Joseph Clinic doctors provide general consultations during the week and are on-call in the Emergency Room 24/7. One doctor also attends a Mobile Clinics every Wednesday to care for patients who live in the outlying villages.

Dr Franck

Dr. Donald Denizard
Chronic Desease Treatment Program Director
Social Service Doctors
St. Joseph Clinic provides the ability for recently graduated Haitian doctors to spend one year of residency at our clinic.

Dr. Claudy Louiné
Social Service Doctor

Dr Rose Joanna Norpelus
Social Services Doctor
St. Joseph Clinic nurses assist with triage, the Chronic Disease Treatment Program (CDTP) and are always available in the ER. A nurse will also travel with the provider team on Mobile Clinic days to assist with triage and the pharmacy.

Mis Ponise Philogene

Mis Judith Acinthe

Mis Oldine Lucien

Mis Loradin Solane

Mis Lovely Appolon
Maternity Nurse
St. Joseph Clinic midwives provide antenatal care to women living in the Thomassique region. They are available for prenatal and postnatal visits during the week, and are always on-call for deliveries. One midwife participates in the Mobile Clinic every week to provide prenatal care to the women living in the outlying villages.

Mis Judith Charlotin

Mis Wilna Bastia

Mis Bellot Chena
Nutrition, Lab and Pharmacy
St. Joseph Clinic operates a malnutrition program, a lab and pharmacy in order to meet the needs of all the patients who come to the Clinic seeking care.

Wilner Osse
Malnutrition Program Director

Elizabeth Jean Baptiste
Lab Technician

Gabriel Saintilmond

Clanise Estiverne
Pharmacy Technician
St. Joseph Clinic has a team of archivists who are responsible for keeping over 70,000 patient records organized and available for review. The team is also responsible for inputing some patient information into the computer.

Nelio Etienne
Data Clerk

Jean-Baptiste Wilkens

Jean Wilfred

Jean Wilfred

Djimmy Deribert
Epidemiology Surveillance Officer
St. Joseph Clinic security guards are responsible for monitoring patient flow and collecting Clinic fees. Furthermore, they also help maintain the plumbing and electrical systems.

Jonel Fleurimond

Jean Robert Jean Pierre
Cleaning and Maintenance
St. Joseph Clinic has a maintenance crew available at all times to keep the ER, maternity unit and consultation rooms clean for patient use. They also help with Clinic ground upkeep.

Wilson Marcellus

Antionette Pharnord

Sincilia Pierre

Lidianna Dubuisson

Denostin Lucmise
St. Joseph Clinic kitchen staff cooks two meals everyday for the staff members living in the residence.

Actionne Fautime
Kitchen Assistant

Ti Tato Apollon
Kitchen Assistant

Wisly Felix
Kitchen Assitant